Monday, January 17, 2011

Learning VRML

Working in vision, one will definitely run into creation of 3D models. VRML (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) is one, although outdated but still used, option. An excellent tutorial could be found here.

For windows there are plenty of free VRML viewers. I had difficulty finding a good VRML viewer for linux. MeshLab was buggy and did not support the standard properly, and many others were a nightmare to compile. Finally, I settled with freeWRL and this log proved priceless during the installation.

VRML is an old standard. There are several new solutions in work for 3D modelling, although I haven't tried them.  X3D is the "official" successor of VRML though I haven't found a good viewer yet. O3D is another option for creating 3D graphics. It is a javascript api for rendering graphics in browser (now they conform to WebGL).

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